Yogi Dreamer Malas

Handmade with love

Yogi Dreamer Malas

What is a Mala?

Also known as Prayer Beads, Mala is a sanskrit word meaning “garland.” A Mala is a string of beads traditionally used in prayer and meditation. They have been used for thousands of years by many cultures and religions around the world. 

Most traditional Malas have 108 beads and one larger guru bead at the end. The beads can come from a variety of sources including semi-precious gemstones, wood, seeds and bone.

Malas are used to count prayers or mantras. The practitioner will hold one bead between the fingers and silently or aloud recite their prayer or mantra and then move to the next bead and repeat for 108 times until arriving full circle to the guru bead. This repetition is known as Japa meditation.  Malas also serve as a visual reminder of the prayers/mantras for the practitioner whenever they see it.

Yogi Dreamer creates the most thoughtful and exquisite Malas. My Mala remains one of my most treasured pieces that was made during a difficult time in my life. It’s beauty has brought me much joy and peace. Yogi Dreamer’s passion shines through with every designed piece. The Malas and bracelets are made with the highest quality materials and craftsmanship. Truly a work of art and you will not be disappointed!

Marianne - Denver, CO

My piece from Yogi Dreamer feels so personal. In addition to the meanings of the stones, I can really feel the intention tied into each of the knots. It’s such a lovely meditation tool, clearly crafted with so much care. This Mala feels like it was made for me.

Melissa - Grand Junction, CO

“I have received a few Malas and bracelets over the past few years from Yogi Dreamer and I have never been disappointed! I love the energy I receive from them knowing that each bead was placed with a mantra. You can’t beat the quality of these Malas at such an affordable price! By choosing one already made that calls to your heart, or requesting a custom made one of your own design, Yogi_Dreamer Malas will leave you satisfied and wanting more!!

Kyle - Huntington, WV