How I Became a Magical Mala Maker

by | Sep 7, 2022

A Mala maker is more than someone who strings beads together. Today I am a self-proclaimed Mala maker BUT it took me years to learn about Malas and how to incorporate them into my practice and to eventually making Malas.

My first Mala wasn’t even a Mala

I received my first Mala in the late 1990s. It was a rosary gifted to me from my mother-in-law. I had no idea the meaning behind it, nor did I have instructions on how to use it, but I was drawn to it and instinctually started using it for my daily prayers. I didn’t realize then…. I was basically doing Japa meditation.

I grew up in Eastern Kentucky, so any part of yoga or malas, or prayer beads were foreign to me at that time. I just knew that “it” whatever “it” was that I felt from using that Rosary felt good to me. I didn’t know anything about Catholicism, but I was familiar with the Baptist church and I was familiar with prayers and saying them on a regular basis.

When I got to college and met my husband, he would take me to a weekly guided meditation group. This was my first “official” introduction to meditation. We didn’t use Malas for guided meditation, but I enjoyed the calm, stillness and quiet that meditation gave me.  

But I Had an Inner “Knowing”

Eventually in 2008, I got on a yoga mat and my yoga journey started. Those first few years on the yoga mat, it was all about the physical practice. I started learning how controlling the breath allowed me to control the mind. Eventually I got more into the spiritual side of yoga and studying yogic philosophy. Over time I learned a little bit more about Malas, I would wear them because they were pretty and then I found myself incorporating them into my daily yoga practice and meditating with them. 

In 2016, I wanted to make something personal and meaningful for my husband’s birthday. I decided to make him a Mala. I had no idea what I was doing, but somehow, I felt I had this inner “knowing” of what to do and I had a deep desire to do it. After several “how to” videos and hours of frustrations of re-doing knots …. I had finally completed my first hand-knotted Mala, it was not the prettiest BUT I was hooked!!! All my friends and family who saw it, wanted one too. So, I started making Malas, refining my skills and gifting them to loved ones.

Who Needs English When You Speak Mala?

mala maker yogi dreamer
Mala maker in the making! In India with the local pujari giving me expert feedback.

Eventually my technique, knots and knowledge improved. My yoga practice has deepened even more, and I have traveled to India several times. While in India, I had the honor to meet and interact with two Indian Mala makers. You can see images of them here. Communicating through broken English, we bonded through our love of Malas. I gifted them some gemstone beads, tweezers and scissors and they gave me some hand carved bead Malas that I still cherish to this day.

One day while sitting on the riverbank making Malas, the local pujari (temple priest) stopped and soon I was surrounded by Indians watching me. Every so often he would thoughtfully inspect knots. I was so nervous to show him my Malas and knots…. but he enthusiastically approved them. These interactions inspired and motivated me to continue to make Malas. Now I was a Mala maker! Before I knew it “Yogi Dreamer” was born and I was creating, repairing, selling and teaching Malas to the public.

Making Malas is My Dharma

Over this time period, I have realized being a Mala Maker is one of my Dharmas (life purpose). It is a part of my spiritual and yoga practice.

I absolutely LOVE the “magic” of creating Malas. Malas are very personal and sacred to the wearer…. they hold their energy, their intentions, their dreams, their prayers…and I am very grateful that you have chosen Yogi Dreamer for your Mala. Let me help create the perfect Mala for you.

Are you interested in visiting India? Check out these 35 famous Indian temples.

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